This is an outdated version published on 2023-04-14. Read the most recent version.



  • Yusika Riendy Universitas Pamulang
  • Aria Dimas Harapan Universitas Pamulang


The existence of OJK in supervising the existence of online fintech based on OJK Regulation Number 77 of 2016". The growth of Financial Technology providers, especially the type of Peer to Peer Lending, is increasing from year to year. The Financial Services Authority as a regulatory and supervisory agency for the financial services sector plays an active role in supervising the development of Peer to Peer Lending Financial Technology (Fintech) providers to comply with Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 77/POJK.01/2016, because in his opinion, there are still many violations. particularly regarding the registration and licensing of providers at the Financial Services Authority. The role of the Financial Services Authority is as a regulator, namely the role of regulating and supervising, in its role as supervision, there are efforts made by the Financial Services Authority, namely preventive and repressive efforts. The legal consequences that arise are the termination of operational activities to the abolition of the application or service provider of Peer to peer Lending Financial Technology and administrative sanctions given by the Financial Services Authority. The development of Fintech companies in Indonesia is very fast, currently there are 99 fintech companies in Indonesia. The Financial Services Authority continues to follow various developments in the use of information technology services, both those offered by financial institutions supervised by the OJK and those offered by start-up companies. Legal protection and law enforcement are needed for fintech companies in the community. Regulation of the use of information technology services in the field of financial services requires a study on how to achieve a balance between the convenience and flexibility of financial services offered by fintech with aspects of legal protection.


