
  • Selviana Teras Widy Rahayu Universitas Pamulang
  • Nurhayati Universitas Pamulang


Advances in science and technology are currently increasing the variety of needs of human life, including medicine. Drugs are one of the important elements in health services, as consumers must get appropriate services related to all the information contained in the drug, both its use, the rules for taking it and the side effects it causes and the drug's expiration date. Drug consumers can get the drugs they need directly to pharmacies, drugstores, clinics. The pharmacist's duties are inseparable from the pharmacy. A pharmacy is a place where pharmaceutical work is carried out, distributing pharmaceutical preparations and other health supplies to the public. The pharmacist's duties are inseparable from the pharmacy. A pharmacy is a place where pharmaceutical work is carried out, distributing pharmaceutical preparations and other health supplies to the public. The pharmacist's duties are inseparable from the pharmacy. A pharmacy is a place where pharmaceutical work is carried out, distribution of pharmaceutical preparations and other health supplies to the public. In everyday life, consumers still suffer losses as a result of negligence by pharmacies in selling expired drugs. Pursuant to Article 3 of Law No. 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection, one of the objectives of consumer protection is to improve the quality of goods and/or services that ensure the continuity of the business of producing goods and/or services, health, comfort, security and consumer safety. To overcome this problem, the purpose of this research is to find out the form of legal protection for drug consumers for pharmacies that sell expired drugs and the form of pharmacy accountability. This research is normative legal research supported by juridical sociology. By conducting library research to obtain initial data and use it as material in interviews.


