Pengujian Aplikasi Kas Keuangan Menggunakan Katalon


  • Irpan Kusyadi Universitas Pamulang
  • Sri Mulyati Universitas Pamulang
  • Anggit Prastika Setiany Universitas Pamulang
  • Dian Noviyanto Universitas Pamulang
  • Siti Aisah Universitas Pamulang


Katalon Studio, Cash Website, Web Testing


The most important thing in making financial improvements in a business is by recording cash receipts and cash disbursements. The output generated from the application is a report on cash receipts and cash disbursements per day, per month and per year, but before the application is published it is necessary to test, if there is a problem when the admin records cash then the risk is very fatal because it is related to joint finance. To solve this problem the author uses a test with Katalon. Katalon Studio is a software used to perform a mechanization test which is extended by Katalon, Inc. The software is built on Selenium's open source mechanization framework, Appium with a dedicated IDE interface for testing web, API, mobile and desktop applications. With Katalon, it is hoped that the cash website will run well and smoothly


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How to Cite

Kusyadi, I., Mulyati, S., Setiany, A. P., Noviyanto, D., & Aisah, S. (2022). Pengujian Aplikasi Kas Keuangan Menggunakan Katalon. Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi Dan Aplikasi, 5(2), 91–96. Retrieved from