Identity Crisis in Sarah Crossan's Toffee Novel


  • Ampera Hia Universitas Pamulang


The aim of this study is to examine the identity crisis of the main character, Allison Daniel, in novel Toffee by Sarah Crosssan. The analysis concentrated on the factors and characteristics of the main character's identity crisis. Erik Erikson's identity crisis theory (1963) is used to analyse the findings of this study. This study was conducted using a qualitative approach. The findings reveal the main character in Toffee experiences identity crisis. Erikson's main identity crisis theory is the stages of development and the factors of identity crisis. Allison is faced with a challenge to discover her identity and the various stages of her life have had both positive and negative impacts on her. While positive experiences can shape her identity in a positive way, negative experiences can hinder her ability to overcome the challenge and lead to negative self-perception. As a result, the main character is torn between the names Toffee and Allison. Moving, feeling unimportant, divorce, and abusive experience are all factors that can contribute to the main character’s identity crisis.

Keywords: identity crisis, its characteristic and factors, Erikson, novel.


