Identity Crisis Represented in Raven Leilani’s Novel Luster


  • Tiara Anggitya Larasakti Universitas Pamulang


The study aimed to describe the depiction of identity crisis in the novel Luster and to find out the causes of identity crisis on character in Luster novel. The object of the study is novel. It described how someone struggled with identity crisis. This study is sought with qualitative methods in order to reveal the issue of the novel. This study applied the theory of identity crisis by Erik Erikson (1968). The result of the study found that the main character struggled with personality disorder that was developed when she had identity crisis in a young age. She portrayed by changed her behavior, blaming herself, thinking of death and suicide. It was also found that the cause was because of her mother committed suicide and the miscarriage which she had, with little attention she got since she was a kid made her always tried to be a better version of herself, and also she got fired from work making the situation even worse. All of these traumatic events made her uncertain of her identity which led her to explore new identities and later on did not recognize herself anymore.

Keyword:  adolescence, identity crisis, personality disorder, confusion, trauma.


