Challenges in Confronting Racial Discrimination in Angie Thomas's Novel 'The Hate U Give’


  • Rilla Indar Paryutty Universitas Pamulang


This study aims to find out how racial discrimination and its impact can occur on African-Americans as reflected in the novel entitled The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas (2017). Furthermore, this study analyzes how the struggle of African-Americans who live alongside with white people and how racial discrimination revealed due to racial differences where the black race is the weaker group, while the white race is the strong group with the privileges they have. The writer uses a descriptive qualitative approach in this study. The data collected are excerpts from dialogue novels to be analyzed using two theoretical books entitled Critical Race Theory by Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic (2001) in analyzing racial discrimination and African-American struggles, then Theory of Racial and Racism (2000) by Les Back and John Solomos in analyzing the impact of racial discrimination. The results of this study show the struggle of African Americans against racial discrimination because they are a racial minority and are considered bad for white people through their race and skin color which causes some persecution to discrimination. The acts of discrimination experienced can be in the form of verbal and non-verbal which have an impact on mental violence, physical violence, to murder.


Keywords: discrimination, racism, prejudice, stereotype, racial discrimination.


