
  • Nurul Haqiqi Universitas Pamulang
  • Nuryati Djihadah Universitas Pamulang


This research originated from the research’s interest in describing the code switching of Indonesian and Sundanese. This interference can be seen in the use of code switching in the Vlog Jurnalrisa the Episode of Community Stories in TPU Cikadut. Thus the researcher formulates problems, including: a) factor causing code switching in Vlog Jurnalrisa the Episode of Community Stories in TPU Cikadut, b) code switching function in vlog Jurnalrisa Episode of Community Stories in TPU Cikadut, c) type of code switching in Vlog Jurnalrisa Episode of Community Stories in TPU Cikadut. The objectives of the research include: a) to describe the type of code switching used in Vlog Jurnalrisa Episode of Community Stories in TPU Cikadut, b) describes the code switching function used in Vlog Jurnalrisa Episode of Community Stories in TPU Cikadut, c) describes the code switching factor used in the Vlog Jurnalrisa Episode of Community Stories in TPU Cikadut. As for this study using a qualitative descriptive method. In this thesis, there are 14 data as research abjects. Data collection is done through the technique of listening, recording, and taking notes. There are 2 type of code switching contained in this thesis, namely internal and external, types of internal code switching include: a) 11 data internal code switching from Indonesian to Sundanese. b) internal code transfer from Sundanese to Indonesian as much as 2 data. Type of external code switching include: a) code transfer from Indonesia to Inggris as much as 1 data. The code switching function found in this study include: a) clarifying and affirming 2 data statements, b) quoting other people’s conversations as much as 2 data, c) showing 2 data in the first language, d) moving topics from non-technical to technical as much as 4 data, e) the presence of as third speaker 2 data, f) keeps the distance as much as 1 data, g) shifting the atmosphere to speak as much of 1 data. factors causing code switching include: a) pursuing an interest as much as 3 data, b) offsetting the interlocutor as much as 2 data, c) the presence of a third speaker with 2 data, d) the main discussion is 3 data, e) evoke a sense of humor as much as 2 data, f) for prestigious only 2 data.

Author Biographies

Nurul Haqiqi, Universitas Pamulang

Sastra Indonesia

Nuryati Djihadah, Universitas Pamulang

Sastra Indonesia


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