This study aims to explain the images produced in the short story “Sepasang Mata Gagak di Yerusalem†by Han Gagas about the city of Jerusalem, Palestina. The theory used to explain is Carl Thompson's travel writing theory, especially the concept of world representation, both the atmosphere, society, and culture of the places visited. The results showed that the city of Jerusalem is seen as an ideal city, namely as a student city, a city with strict supervision, a safe religious city and religious differences can be managed well, as well as a city with a cool but quiet atmosphere, not noisy, and comfortable. Such positive views are produced by travel subjects who are academics and researchers, and are open to differences, orderly, not easily angered, and tolerant. Based on this description, the short story can be an alternative reference in understanding the situation of Jerusalem as a city that is not only full of conflict and war, but also a city of harmony and peace.References
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