
  • Yan Ardian Subhan Universitas Pamulang



Metaphors are commonly used in literary work especially poetry, to beautify language and to deepen the meaning. Poems have a variety of genres and themes, but this study focuses on selected poems about nature from William Wordsworth and William Blake. The aim of this study is to portray metaphors selection and its possible meaning from the perspective of students. So the questions posed in this study are (1) what metaphor the students chose and their reasons in selecting it and (2) what are the possible meanings of that metaphor and its category? The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive approach. Data were gathered from students by using questionnaires and were analyzed descriptively. The results of the study show that predominantly students choose the metaphors that are easiest for them to recognize. While the results of the analysis of the meanings produced by students, found 4 types of meaning based on Leech's (1981) theory, namely conceptual or denotative meanings, collocative meanings, reflective meanings, and connotative meanings


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