This thesis entitled “An Analysis of Jargon Words used by Travel Consultants in Bayubuana Tours and Travelâ€. Jargon is specific vocabularies in a particular field. Jargon terms are related to human environments, experiences, and daily activities. The aim of the study is to analyze jargon words used by Travel Consultants in Bayubuana Tours and Travel. The study is in the linguistic field, concerning sociolinguistics. The qualitative method research was used in this study, descriptive meaning is written into short essays. To answer the statements of the problem, the writers used Allan and Burridge (2006) and Finegan (2008) theories. The word purpose of the study is giving the definition and classifying the form of jargon that are used by Travel Consultants in BayubuanaTours and Travel. The result of this study shows 50 (fifty) jargon words used by Travel Consultant, which consist of 12 (twelve) jargon words, 27 (twenty seven) phrases, 5 (five) acronyms and 6 (six) abbreviationsReferences
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