
  • Aderina Febriana Universitas Prasetiya Mulya
  • Tri Ananti Listiana Universitas Prasetiya Mulya



The global need to shift some practices from face to face to online learning or hybrid learning. The way of learning creates new issues for students to collaborate remotely and new challenges in the process of language teaching. Presenting skill as a part of speaking activity is essential to make sure that ideas can be delivered to other people without misunderstanding. The limited time for students and teachers to talk about their presentation performance made it difficult to improve their skill. Using A video application integrated with comments lessens the time giving feedback for a big class, the lesson is done through collaborative learning to help improve students’ presentation skill. The study was conducted to know whether using video application and peer-to-peer guided comments through asynchronous activity could improve presentation skill for EFL students. Through a mixed method research approach the students experienced during the task was tried to be understood. First, the students’ interaction using comments that were guided by four criteria in a 1–2-minute presentation was monitored, and open-ended questions were asked. Following that to provide additional data, questionnaires were administered to 50 students to know more of how the collaboration through guided comments improve their presentation skill. The result showed how the guided comments helped them and the criteria that was mostly helped using this approach.


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