Literacy skills of Indonesian students is still very low compared to the students among Asian countries. Therefore, comprehensive steps are needed to overcome this issue. One of the strategies is the development of literacy skills from an early age at the kindergarten level, since the golden period of acquiring language skills is at an early age. The development of literacy skills from an early age at the kindergarten level can be done with interesting media such as mobile games. Mobile games are media that children like and easy to use, including for learning occasions hence they grow and develop in a very fast technological development. Since birth, children have been immersed in a world rich in media. Therefore, this study aims to develop mobile games media based on traditional games to develop early literacy skills of children. The method in this study uses mix method research. Meanwhile, the game developed uses a life cycle method. The research participants involved two kindergarten future teachers. It is ongoing research that will only focus on describing the design of mobile games. The results of this study is a design of mobile games based on traditional games for children to develop literacy skills. In the process, the participants go through some steps, namely, analyse the learning goals, choosing the traditional games that are suitable for mobile games, design the game, FGD with the game developer. Moreover, there are some difficulties in the process, especially in choosing the traditional games which can be changed into mobile games platformsReferences
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