
  • Rahmi Rivalina Universitas Pamulang
  • I. Aeni Muharromah Universitas Pamulang



One of the obstacles of students in completing their study in higher education is writing a thesis. The writing of a thesis requires perseverance, motivation, ability to write scientific paper, and Adversity Quotient. The study aims to determine the Adversity Quotient and students’ constraints in writing the thesis. The study was conducted in a qualitative approach and survey methods at English Department students. Data collection techniques used were online questionnaires and purposive sampling. The collected data is analyzed using Adversity Response Profile (ARP). Data analysis shows that the Adversity Quotient of students who are undergoing the thesis consultation are in the camper category with an average value of 132.5. Meanwhile, the students' obstacles in writing a thesis are intrinsic motivation and ability to write scientific papers. The determinant factor influencing the students’ completion of study is in writing thesis are relatively low intrinsic motivation, and their ability to write scientific paper as well.This factor can be further elaborated into some activities, namely: (1) determining the research topic, (2) exploring ideas and relevant theoretical concepts, (3) looking for references, (4) overcoming laziness, (5) communicating with the lecturers, (6) understanding the lecturer explanations (7) managing available time to read and write, and (8) mastering the scientific writing skills and English structure. Thus, the Adversity Quotient and the ability to write scientific papers are needed to improve and support students' acceleration in completing their education.


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