
  • Raida Asfihana Universitas Negeri Makassar




Project-Based Learning, known globally as a learner-centered learning process, has been broadly used by teachers in classroom practices. This approach gives freedom to design the project works. This present research aimed to generate the design employed by the lecturers in implementing the Project-Based Learning (PBL) approach in their English classes. The researcher employed a classroom-based study in this present research to generate the design used by three English lecturers to enact Project-Based Learning (PBL) in their classes. The researcher administered in-depth interviews and classroom observations to obtain the data. Findings revealed four major themes from data collection and analysis: PBL integration into English syllabus, PBL design and implementation, PBL objective and assessment, and digital technology integration. At last, this research result adds pedagogical implications to the research related to PBL enactment in terms of its practical design in English teaching classroom implementation.


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