Menabung Cerdas untuk Masa Depan Anak: Workshop Praktis Membuat Tabungan Pendidikan
financial literacy, education planning, education savings.Abstract
Family financial management, especially educational savings planning, is a crucial aspect in ensuring the future of children's education. This Community Service (PKM) activity focuses on improving the financial literacy of parents at Al-Kamal Islamic Kindergarten, Kedaung-Pamulang, in building an effective foundation for children's educational savings. This program is implemented through an online workshop for five consecutive days that includes family financial planning education, introduction to educational savings products, risk management, and the use of digital financial applications. The training begins with an initial study to understand the specific preferences and needs of parents, followed by a participant preference survey as a basis for designing relevant materials. Each training session is designed interactively to involve parents in the learning process, especially in identifying children's educational needs, planning a budget, and utilizing modern financial technology. Evaluation is carried out at the end of the activity to measure participants' understanding and their ability to implement the material in everyday life. The results of the training show an increase in participants' ability to plan and practice children's educational savings strategies in a more structured manner. With the implementation of this activity, it is hoped that parents' financial literacy can increase, so that they can build wiser and more planned children's educational savings.
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