Branding Sekolah Islam yang Menarik: Strategi Pemasaran untuk Meningkatkan Pendaftaran Siswa Baru
: branding, digital marketing, new student registration, Al-Kamal Islamic KindergartenAbstract
This Community Service (PKM) aims to increase new student registration at Al-Kamal Islamic Kindergarten through the implementation of sustainable marketing strategies with a digital approach. Al-Kamal Islamic Kindergarten faces challenges in developing strong school branding amidst increasingly tight competition among educational institutions. In an effort to increase the visibility and attractiveness of the school, this PKM designs and implements an effective branding strategy. The implementation method includes several stages, starting with an initial meeting to understand the needs and goals of the school, followed by a preference survey to find out the desires of parents and prospective students. The training was conducted for five consecutive days in a webinar format, focusing on branding introduction, visual content creation, social media usage strategies, implementation of promotional programs, and evaluation of results. The expected results are a significant increase in school attractiveness, accompanied by an increase in new student registration. This activity is expected to strengthen the school's marketing capacity and provide a sustainable positive impact on the education community in the Kedaung-Pamulang area.
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