Pengembangan Sistem Pembukuan Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah untuk Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Ekonomi di Desa Cicalengka Kec. Pegedangan Kabupaten Tangerang
PKM (Community Service Program), MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises), bookkeeping system, economic welfareAbstract
The purpose of this Community Service activity is to fulfill one of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, with the primary goal of illustrating the role of bookkeeping systems in financial management for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and identifying efforts to expand participants' knowledge and provide them with essential skills. Additionally, this program aims to showcase how higher education institutions can contribute significantly to the development and application of knowledge in society. The Community Service program aims to develop a bookkeeping system for MSMEs in Cicalengka Village, Pegedangan District, Tangerang Regency. This activity is motivated by the urgent need of MSME actors for a good bookkeeping system, which is essential for monitoring their financial conditions, managing cash flow, and creating accurate financial reports. A well-implemented bookkeeping system enables MSME actors to make better and more strategic business decisions, ultimately contributing to their economic welfare. The methods used in this program include several stages, Needs analysis and identification of MSME problems related to bookkeeping, Development of modules and relevant training materials, Conducting training and mentoring for MSME actors, Implementing a simple technology-based bookkeeping system that is easy for MSME actors to understand and use. The training covers basic understanding of bookkeeping, techniques for recording financial transactions, cash flow management, and the preparation of financial reports. Through this program, it is expected to improve the performance of MSMEs in Cicalengka Village. By adopting a better bookkeeping system, MSME actors can optimize business profits, enhance operational efficiency, and improve their economic welfare as well as that of the surrounding community. This program is also expected to serve as a model for MSME development in other regions facing similar challenges.
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