Komunikasi Persuasif dalam Menumbuhkan Kesadaran Masyarakat Mengenai Manfaat Bank Sampah Mutiara Madani Griya Bunga Asri Desa Cibadung Kecamatan Gunung Sindur Bogor
communication, persuasive communication, waste bank.Abstract
This community service activity is in collaboration with the Mutiara Madani Waste Bank Manager located in the Griya Bunga Asri Housing Complex, Cibadung Village, RT 002.008, Gunung Sindur District, Bogor Regency, West Java Province. The purpose of this Community Service activity is to increase the consistency of conducting persuasive communication to the wider community regarding the importance of maintaining health with proper waste processing through the Waste Bank system. The methods used in this activity are lectures and case studies. The main problems faced by partners are: [1] There is still very minimal community participation in awareness to manage waste through the Waste Bank; [2] The community still does not understand waste sorting, so that waste is often still mixed between organic and inorganic waste. [3] The need to increase the consistency of conducting persuasive communication to the wider community regarding the importance of maintaining health with proper waste processing through the waste bank system. The implementation of the PKM activity can run well and smoothly for 3 (three) days according to the set schedule. Based on several problems raised above, the solutions to the problems that can be done are as follows: [1] Providing persuasive communication in raising public awareness of the benefits obtained through proper and effective waste management through the Mutiara Madani Griya Bunga Asri Waste Bank system, Cibadung Village, Gunung Sindur District, Bogor. [2] Increasing understanding of the types of waste and how to sort waste correctly and appropriately to the community through training and counseling, of course with persuasive communication. [3] Providing innovation and creativity so that recyclable waste can produce a higher selling value so that it can improve the community's economy. This provides a positive response from the community to be able to continue to participate in Waste Bank activities that have good benefits for togetherness.
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