Menumbuhkan Pola Pikir Peduli Sampah melalui Penguatan Profil Masyarakat Pancasila Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat di Bank Sampah Mutiara Madani Griya Bangsa Asri Desa Cibadung Kec. Gunung Sindur Kab.Bogor


  • Turkamun Universitas Pamulang
  • Sylvia Hasanah Thorik Universitas Pamulang
  • Mohamad Anwar Universitas Pamulang



waste bank, pancasila society


In the context of the increasingly pressing waste management crisis, waste banks are present as a promising innovation. In addition to being a temporary shelter, waste banks also act as micro-business units that are able to process waste into products with economic value. Thus, not only is the environment maintained, but also the welfare of the surrounding community can be improved through business opportunities and additional income. PKM is carried out for all Mutiara Madani Waste Bank Managers, Heads of RT 002/008, Heads of RW 008, and residents who represent them. "Community Service (PKM) this time offers an Entrepreneurship Development Program (PPK) scheme. Several approach methods are offered that can help solve existing problems, namely: Lack of socialization and counseling from village officials and local stakeholders. Lack of awareness of how to process waste properly and correctly that this waste has economic value," by conducting discussion training related to the potential of waste banks for community welfare. Counseling, changing the mindset of the Pancasila community through waste banks is to answer the challenges of the world by preparing the community as citizens who have knowledge, understanding, appreciation, appreciation, commitment, and patterns of practicing Pancasila values ​​and civic education.

Author Biographies

Turkamun, Universitas Pamulang

Prodi Ilmu Hukum S-1

Sylvia Hasanah Thorik, Universitas Pamulang

Prodi Ilmu Hukum S-1

Mohamad Anwar, Universitas Pamulang

Prodi Ilmu Hukum S-1


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