Penyuluhan dan Edukasi Menumbuhkan Kesadaran Warga Griya Bunga Asri Desa Cibadung Kecamatan Gunung Sindur-Bogor untuk Memanfaatkan Bank Mutiara Madani Griya Bunga Asri Desa Cibadung Kecamatan Gunung Sindur Bogor
counseling and education, community awareness, waste bankAbstract
Trash is waste material that is discarded as a result of the production process, both industrial and household. Another definition of waste is something that is not wanted by humans after the process/use is over. The waste material in question is something that comes from humans, animals, or plants that are no longer used. The form of this waste can be in solid, liquid, or gas form.Waste is one of the problems faced by everyone, both in villages and cities, waste management is only carried out as a routine activity, namely by simply throwing away, moving and destroying waste. This has an impact on the increasingly scarce places for waste disposal, causing the spread of illegal TPA/TPS in various places, both empty land and in rivers. The method of implementing Community Service activities is in the form of dialogue-participatory training by inviting community members to be directly involved in training on waste management. In addition, this activity involves the bank itself that have succeeded in developing their communities, so that they can motivate their residents to become customers of waste banks. The result of this activity is that residents gain an understanding of waste, both its dangers and its utilization that has economic value to support social activities in the community. In addition, with the growing awareness of residents to manage waste through waste banks, a sense of family and a spirit of togetherness is created to improve environmental health.
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