PENGARUH POSISI KAS, UKURAN PERUSAHAAN DAN PERTUMBUHAN PENJULAN TERHADAP DIVIDEND PAYOUT RATIO (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Sektor Konsumsi yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2018-2020)


  • Wiwit Asti Aprilia Universitas Pamulang
  • Filda Sylviana
  • Sevisri Vigiyanti
  • Siti Nurpadilah
  • Yulianto Yulianto


This research aims to provide empirical evidence of the effect of Cash Position.Sales Growth and Firm Size on Dividend Payout Ratio. The independent variables used in this research are Cash Position and Firm Size, while the dependent variable in this research is Dividend Payout Ratio.The kind of research used is research quantitative asosiatif is to use the financial statements of manufactur companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period 2014-2018. The population in this study is Manufactur Companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2014-2018. This research uses a purposive sampling method. The number of sample use in this research were 9 company. Data was analyzed use multiple linier regression with Eviews software Version 11.The result of research showed that Cash Position and Firm Size effect simultaneously to the dividend payout ratio. Partialy, it was found that Cash Position has effect to the dividend payout ratio. Meanwhile, Firm Size has no effect to dividend payout ratio.

Keyword : Cash Position,Firm Size,dividend payout ratio

Author Biography

Wiwit Asti Aprilia, Universitas Pamulang

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