Pengaruh Kenaikan Harga Bahan Bakar Minyak dan Pergerakan Saham terhadap Tingkat Inflasi pada Sektor Transportasi dan Logistik
This analyzing aims to determine the effect of rising fuel prices and stock movements on the inflation rate in Indonesia. The population in this analyzing are Transportation and Logistics sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The samples taken in this analyzing are 15 companies using purposive sampling method. The main data used are changes in oil prices and the inflation rate with a span of 3 years from 2019 - 2021. The variable fuel price increase has a T count of 6.550496 with a probability of 0.0000. The calculated T value of the fuel price increase variable is greater than the T table, namely 2.018 (6.550496> 2.018) and the probability value is smaller than the critical limit, namely 0.05, meaning that it can be concluded that partially the variable fuel price increase has a positive and significant effect on the inflation rate in the transportation sector. & Logistics.
Keywords: The Change of Oil Price (BBM); stock movements; inflation rates
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