This study aims to examine the influence of the Audit Committee, Debt Policy, and Company Growth on Firm Value. Several previous studies revealed different results. In this study the authors used a type of quantitative research with the data used, namely secondary data. The population in this study are companies in the consumer non-cyclicals sector which are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2019-2021. The sample in this study were 31 companies with observations for 3 years, the number of observations was obtained as many as 93 company data using purposive sampling method. The analytical method used is descriptive statistical test and classical assumption test. To test the hypothesis is done by significance test, namely the T test and F test with the help of Eviews 10 software. The results of this study simultaneously that the Audit Committee, Debt Policy, and Company Growth have a significant effect on Firm Value. Then partially the Audit Committee and Corporate Growth have no effect on Company Value. Meanwhile, debt policy has a significant effect on firm value.
Keywords : Audit Committee, Debt Policy, Company Growth, Company Value.References
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