
  • Ismi Khairunnisa Mufariq STIE Ekuitas
  • Ade Imam Muslim STIE Ekuitas


This research aims to find out how the influence of intellectual capital and capital structure on the value of LQ45 Index companies. The independent variables used in the study are intellectual capital (X1) and capital structure (X2). While the dependent variable used is the value of the company (Y). The study examined intellectual capital relationships measured by the PULIC model, the capital structure measured by the Debt to Equity Ratio, and the company's value measured by Tobins'q. The population in this study was an 45 company LQ45 Index listed on the IDX. To answer our research question we use 72 observation and the sample was 12 companies selected using purposive sampling techniques. The results showed that Intellectual Capital and Capital Structure simultaneously had a significant effect on the Company's Value in Companies listed in the LQ45 Index in 2015 - 2020. Intellectual Capital has a significant effect on the Value of the Company in companies listed in the LQ45 Index in 2015 - 2020. While the Capital Structure has no significant effect on the Value of the Company in companies listed in the LQ45 Index in 2015 - 2020.


Keywords: Intellectual Capital, Capital Structure, Company Value Index LQ45


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