
  • Yunita Yunanti IAIN Pekalongan
  • Asih Maisaroh IAIN Pekalongan
  • Hendri Hermawan Adinugraha IAIN Pekalongan


During the covid-19 period, online shopping is also an effort to break the chain of transmission of Covid-19 in Indonesia. Then, create a more varied online store ecosystem according to the needs of the community. Through the internet, consumers will find it easier to find references. As a media that is often visited, social media can be one of the consumer references. Some social media provide information on what products consumers will buy. However, with this convenience, online shopping is more driven by the mere desire factor without paying attention to the need for the goods to be purchased. In addition, there are attractive advertisements, the products offered are varied, the services provided satisfy consumers and the risk is relatively small and there are price discounts that make consumers more motivated to buy goods. Until finally these purchased items become piled up, and not all items can be used and only become collectibles. Muslim should when shopping online only to meet their daily needs, but now there has been a shift in shopping activities from fulfilling needs to mere desires without being based on Islamic economic aspects. The purpose of this research is to get the best combination of attributes that consumers choose in searching for and buying goods using social media. This study uses Conjoint Analysis, which is one of the techniques in multivariate analysis that is used to understand how consumers prefer the value of a product by combining the individual benefits that exist from each product attribute.

Keywords: Customer preference, shopping, Muslim


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