The purpose of this research is to measure the performance of mentioned lecturers at Faculty of Economics, Sriwijaya University. In this research, the lecturers’ performances measured based on what the students’ perceived through the lecturers’ pedagogic competence, professionalism, personal and social. This research uses quantitative method by taking data in primary and secondary results obtained from a list of questions (questionnaire), interview directly to sample, and research from the internet and journals. The size of the research population is the number of student at Sriwijaya University: 31.710 by 500 students as sampling. The results of the research which are processed through SPSS indicate that the average lecture performance rate of a lecturer in Sriwijaya University is good enough. The results of the research are processed through SPSS and shows that the average performance of lecturers are in satisfactory level based on the percentage on the questionnaire and research conducted. Based on the results, the writer concluded that the lecturers’ performance at Sriwijaya University scored by the students are in satisfactory level, which is 70% to 100%.Key Words: Performance Measurement, Lecture Performance, Employee, University
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