
  • Dwi Septi Haryani STIE Pembangunan
  • Imran Ilyas STIE Pembangunan
  • Satriadi Satriadi STIE Pembangunan
  • Selvi Fauzar STIE Pembangunan


The purpose of this research is to identify the risks of potato chips product damaged, to measure and map the risk and formulating an effective risk mitigation strategy for Widuri joint venture group. This research uses qualitative approach. The method of risk management with Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). The location of the research is in Kijang City, Bintan, Kepulauan Riau. Data research obtained by interview, observation and documentation. The results showed that there are several factors that can cause the failure of the production process and the product itself which was an error in the selection of raw materials, passing the process of soaking potatoes, a mistake in the provision of lime paste, errors at uncontrolled fire, and neglect of human resources that have impact for entity. The impact of arising from risk was product destroyed, potatoes become scorched, and the potato chips would be easy to catch cold. The amount of risk experienced by Widuri joint venture group were reflected in the risk map formed on the measurement of risk based on probability and impact. Widuri joint venture group certainly have to develop a strategy for an effective risk mitigation were prioritized addressing the highest risk first to a lower risk so that the risk of product damaged can be minimized.

Key Words: ERM, Product Damaged, Joint Venture

Author Biographies

Dwi Septi Haryani, STIE Pembangunan

Department of Management, STIE Pembangunan, Tanjungpinang

Imran Ilyas, STIE Pembangunan

Department of Management, STIE Pembangunan, Tanjungpinang

Satriadi Satriadi, STIE Pembangunan

Department of Management, STIE Pembangunan, Tanjungpinang

Selvi Fauzar, STIE Pembangunan

Department of Management, STIE Pembangunan, Tanjungpinang


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