
  • Firminus Serdino Dapung Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pamulang
  • M. Taufan Lubis Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pamulang



Berbicara tentang perjanjian tidak terlepas dari masalah keadilan. Perjanjian haruslah dibuat dan dilaksanakan berdasarkan akal pikiran sehat berdasarkan penghargaan pada nilai-nilai moralitas kemanusiaan. Dalam hukum perjanjian terdapat suatu asas yang bernama ‘asas konsensualisme’. Kata ‘konsensualisme’ berasal dari bahasa latin, ‘consensus’, yang berarti ‘sepakat’. Asas konsensualisme merupakan kesepakatan para pihak untuk mengikatkan diri dalam suatu perjanjian. Dengan kata lain, suatu perjanjian telah dianggap sah dan mengikat kedua belah setelah adanya kata sepakat, tanpa adanya formalitas. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini yakni untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah Penerapan asas konsensualisme dalam perjanjian jual beli menurut perspektif hukum perdata dan bagaimanakah Akibat hukum bagi pihak yang melanggar asas konsensualisme dalam perjanjian jual beli menurut perspektif hukum perdata, di mana dengan metode penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan bahwa: 1. Sifat konsensuil dari jual beli tersebut ditegaskan dalam pasal 1458 yang berbunyi: "Jual-beli dianggap sudah terjadi antara kedua belah pihak seketika setelah mereka mencapai sepakat tentang barang dan harga, meskipun barang itu belum diserahkan maupun harganya belum dibayar". Sebagaimana diketahui, hukum perjanjian dari B.W. menganut asas konsensualitas. Artinya ialah: hukum perjanjian dari B.W. itu menganut suatu asas bahwa untuk melahirkan perjanjian dengan sepakat saja dan bahwa perjanjian itu (dan dengan demikian "perikatan" yang ditimbulkan karenanya) sudah dilahirkan. ada saat atau detik tercapainya konsensus sebagaimana dimaksudkan di atas. KUH Perdata mengatur bahwa perjanjian dianggap sah dan mengikat jika telah dicapainya kesepakatan antar para pihak. Meski demikian, terdapat pengecualian atas asas konsensualisme, yaitu perjanjian dianggap sah dan mengikat jika dilakukan secara formil berdasarkan ketentuan yang ditetapkan menurut undang-undang sebagaimana yang telah dijelaskan sebelumnya.

Kata Kunci : Perjanjian, Konsensualisme, Jual Beli



Talking about the agreement can not be separated from the issue of justice. Agreements must be made and implemented based on common sense based on respect for human moral values. In contract law there is a principle called the 'principle of consensualism'. The word 'consensualism' comes from the Latin, 'consensus', which means 'to agree'. The principle of consensualism is the agreement of the parties to bind themselves in an agreement. In other words, an agreement has been considered valid and binding on both parties after an agreement has been reached, without any formalities. The purpose of this research is to find out how the application of the principle of consensualism in the sale and purchase agreement according to the perspective of civil law and what are the legal consequences for those who violate the principle of consensualism in the sale and purchase agreement according to the perspective of civil law, where with the normative legal research method it is concluded that: 1. The consensual nature of the sale and purchase is emphasized in article 1458 which reads: "The sale and purchase is considered to have taken place between the two parties as soon as they reach an agreement on the goods and the price, even though the goods have not been delivered nor the price has been paid". As is well known, the contract law of B.W. adhere to the principle of consensuality. The meaning is: the law of contract from B.W. it adheres to a principle that to give birth to an agreement only by agreeing and that the agreement (and thus the "commitment" that arises because of it) has been born. there is a time or seconds to reach a consensus as intended above. The Civil Code stipulates that an agreement is considered valid and binding if an agreement has been reached between the parties. However, there are exceptions to the principle of consensualism, namely the agreement is considered valid and binding if it is carried out formally based on the provisions stipulated by law as previously explained.

Keywords: Agreement, Consensualism, Buying


