Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Anggota Satpam Yang Melakukan Pembelaan Diri Dilingkungan Kerja Yang Mengakibatkan Pelaku Kejahatan Meninggal Dunia Ditinjau Dari KUHP Dan PERKAP No.24 Tahun 2007
Legal protection for security guards members who defend themselves in the work environment that causes the perpetrators of crimes to die from the Criminal Code and PERKAP No.24 of 2007.Strata 1 (S1), Criminal Law Study Program, Faculty of Law, Pamulang University 2022, 50 pages. This study explains how the law protects security guards who defend themselves in the work environment which results in the death of the perpetrator. In this research, the problem that will be discussed is how legal protection for security guards members who defend themselves in the work environment causes the perpetrators of crimes to die in terms of the Criminal Code and PERKAP No. 24 of 2007. POLRI in the field of organizing public se curity and comfort, is limited to its work environment. In their duties, security guards are required to be able to maintain and protect their work environment and the lives of those around them, including their own lives. In several cases, many crimes have occurred involving security guards, one of which is the case of two security guards who accidentally killed an alleged thief who entered a vital state object in Padang, West Sumatra. In this case the two security guards were found guilty because they could not provide convincing evidence or justify that they committed a crime based on forced self-defense in an emergency. In this regard, we as writers are interested in reviewing the legal protection of security guards who defend themselves in their work environment which causes the perpetrators of crimes to die, after seeing many cases of selfdefense in which they become suspects. This research is based on the type of normative legal research, namely research conducted by examining regulations regarding self-defense or forced defense, by analyzing the Criminal Code and other legal materials related to self-defense or forced defense.The outputs targeted in this study are mandatory outputs in the form of national journals and additional outputs in the form of proceeding journals.Downloads