
  • Moceh Maulana Rizki Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Pamulang
  • Destia Maharani Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Pamulang
  • Gea Valda Renita Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Pamulang


Humans are also called social beings, because humans have a nature that always wants to interact with each other, and humans cannot be alone because humans basically have deficiencies and limitations.So humans are destined to need each other. In the process of development, humans continue their kind and need a life partner who can give birth to offspring according to what they want. Marriage is important for humans because through marriage a person will obtain a balance of life physically, psychologically and socially. Marriages are usually performed by adults, regardless of occupation, religion or race. Early marriage is still common in Indonesia. Early marriage or underage marriage causes the decline in the educational, reproductive and economic functions of the family itself. In fact, this changesthemeaning of the sacredness ofmarriage,so thatitis easy for divorce to occur which in the end affectsthe future ofthe child victim of the act of marriage-divorce. The rise of underage marriagesin public life prompted the government to issue a policy to increase the age limit for marriage in the Marriage Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage to Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning Amendments to the Marriage Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage. So that the government's efforts should be able to reduce this phenomenon, not increase it. The age limit for marriage can be caused because marriage requires physical and spiritual maturity in order to achieve harmony for the purpose of marriage, namely creating an eternal family. In general, underage marriages are not harmonious because they are not ready to bear the burdens of life and responsibilities as parents, so there is a possibility of marital disharmony or ending in divorce. Therefore, the purpose of this studywas to determine the social impact of underage marriage. Because marriage requires physical and spiritual maturity in order to achieve harmony for the purpose of marriage, which is to create an eternal family.



Keywords : underage marriage, marriage-divorce, law no. 1 year 1974


