Pengaruh Harga Minyak Dunia, Harga Emas Dunia, Dan Jumlah Uang Beredar Terhadap Indeks Saham Syariah Indonesia
This study aims to determine the effect of world oil prices, world gold prices, and the money supply together on the Indonesian Sharia Stock Index in the consumer goods industry sector. The population of this study is all companies in the consumer goods industry sector listed on the Indonesian Sharia Stock Index, totaling 29 companies. Sampling using purposive sampling technique with a final sample of 6 companies. The methodology used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis using panel data using Eviews-9 software. Based on the test results, it was found that world oil prices and world gold prices had a negative and significant effect, while the money supply had a positive and significant effect. In a simultaneous test, world oil prices, world gold prices and the money supply together have an effect on the Indonesian Sharia Stock Index in the consumer goods industry sector with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 41.1%.
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