Pengaruh Inflasi Dan Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (Ihsg) Terhadap Nilai Aktiva Bersih Reksa Dana Syariah
This study aims to determine the effect of inflation and the Indonesia Composite Index (ICI) on the net asset value of Islamic mutual funds for the 2016-2020 period. The sampling technique used in this research is purposive sampling. The mutual fund selected as the object of research is the Premier ETF JII Sharia Mutual Fund. The data used is for the 2016-2020 period, sourced from Bank Indonesia, the Financial Services Authority and Yahoo Finance. The results of this study used descriptive statistical test methods, classical assumption tests, multiple linear analysis tests and hypothesis tests (t test and f test) using the Eviews version 9 computer program. Based on the results of partial hypothesis testing, it was found that inflation had a positive effect on net asset value of the premiere sharia mutual fund ETF JII and the Indonesia Composite Index (ICI) did not significantly affect the net asset value of the premiere sharia mutual fund ETF JII.
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