The social media is existing in community recentely be phenomenoned because it is not existing before in our life. This existence became daily and premiere needs people but today it’s destroy for several aspects in human life, although it’s has been given for many advantages andhelpfull in many kinds of working in daily human life.This social media even the convensional media such as TV or an internet media are needful could not gave us several goodness it’s gave us too many kinds of ungoodness. The contents of short massage for example, and there a lot of idea and many sentences in Facebook, and What’s Up or WA and an Instagramare make a lot of people field unhappy after reading and communicating one each others in social media. Some times it has been laid but many kinds of intimidation between individuals and communities in our life.The problem is the era of globalization today in all over the world the convensional media and the internet media must be accepted and it’s imposible to rejected, and now the world is to be smalled and not belargedagain because an internet media and other kinds of media used. The other problem is the Indonesian people came from the several kinds of languanges, racials, cultures, and each others. So that these cases could be destroy and makedununityof our nation.
Keywords: Maintain the diversity, the unity of Indonesia