Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Penyakit Gigi Berbasis Android dengan Metode Waterfall


  • Ari Syaripudin Universitas Pamulang
  • Boby Nugraha Heryanto Universitas Pamulang


Dental Disease, Mobile Smartphone Android, Waterfall Model, Application


Dental disease can affect anyone and anytime. Many people are less aware of dental diseases and how big the problems will be caused. In addition, the lack of community knowledge of dental diseases makes them have to seek information through the internet is less effective because the information presented and displayed is usually incomplete and not guaranteed. Then the media information about Dental Disease will be designed into android mobile applications based on the book "45 Masalah & Solusi Penyakit Gigi & Mulut" by dr. Yekti Mumpuni & Erlita Pratiwi which will contain various dental diseases so it makes it easier to introduce various diseases of teeth. The model used in the design of android applications about dental disease information is a waterfall development model. The waterfall model provides a sequential or sequential approach to software lifecycle. The purpose of making this application is to provide information media to help get information about dental diseases. So it can easily recognize a wide range of dental diseases.

