Penerapan Augmented Reality untuk Brosur Interaktif Penjualan Rumah dengan Menggunakan Vuforia


  • Irpan Kusyadi Universitas Pamulang
  • Esti Cahyaningsih Universitas Pamulang


Augmented Reality, interactive, brochure, house sales, Vuforia


Based on Chief of Center Board Council Organization Consideration Agency Indonesian Real Estate, based on the Real Estate Indonesia calculation, total of Indonesian household need per year can reach 2.6 million. So, it needed an interesting promotion media to present information about house. Augmented reality technology can pack brochure as a promotion media more interesting and more interactive. Augmented reality (AR) is one of technology which is being develop quickly in almost of the whole world. By seeing people necessary and the reality of technology development, so the research of Making brochure with Augmented reality technology is done. The concept of its application is by markerless method on which it, augmented reality application at interactive brochure of house sales, object or picture of house model can be used as marker. This application can shows more than one 3D object from several markers. And also serve housing information which needed by buyer completely. So that interactive brochure of house sales design looks interesting and it is not reduce aesthetic value of its Brochure design. This Application operated on Android Smartphone.

