Penyaringan Website Menggunakan IPTables pada Router Berbasis Linux


  • Dian Novianto Universitas Pamulang
  • Laurentinus Laurentinus STMIK Atma Luhur


filtering web, iptables, ndlc, linux


One way to secure networks is to perform filtering on a user's internet access, therefore it is necessary administrator policies about what information can be accessed and should not be accessed, where that policy to protect users' privacy and the security of the system is commonly referred to as a healthy internet, many cyber crimes happen caused by negligence users surf the internet, stuck with phishing website, and download malware or spyware unintentionally, one way to prevent it by doing the filtering domain websites on the proxy server, where all users will be redirected to the proxy server before getting the desired content, but filtering using a proxy server can only be performed for connections that use the http protocol, while the protocol https , the website domain filtering can not be performed due to the nature of https protocol that encrypts communication between the user's browser and the destination server. Therefore, it needs to be done other ways filtering internet use policy that has been set is not violated by the user, in this study researchers used a method live network development cycle to test filtering through layer 7 using IPTABLES on the router with Linux operating system.

