Pengembangan Data Induk Kependudukan Menggunakan Teknologi Three Tier dengan Antarmuka Desktop


  • Hadiq Hadiq Universitas Pamulang
  • Faruk Alfiyan STIKOM PGRI Banyuwangi


Data on population, Three Tier, Desktop Interface


Data on population in the village of Grogol Subdistrict, Giri, Banyuwangi tend to bestatic. This is because Councilor in charge of doing data management does not update the data on population according with the conditions that exist in the community. Population data for validation, they relied on data from the Census of population conducted the Government ten years. By using the technology of Three Tier, those problems will be overcome quickly. This is because the entire population data will be able to direlasikan each other, so that when the data changes all the data components of population change such data will adjust automatically. From this research can produce valid residency data So when local Governments ask for current data, the village can instantly give it without having to wait for data from the population census.

