Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Crowdfunding Dengan Metode Extreme Programming Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus : Yayasan Al-Ghifari Thoyib)


  • Ichwanul Syarip Hidayat Pamulang University
  • Sofyan Mufti Prastiyo Pamulang University


Information Technology, Computer Science, Software Engineering


The Internet has become a very fast and easy communication tool and information center. The internet makes it easy for humans to access information and communicate and do various things, not least in the social world. In the social field, there are many methods of raising funds via the internet to achieve targets for the achievement of campaign programs for organizations or companies. The Al-Ghifari Thoyib Foundation, which is located in the Limo area of Depok city, is an organization that helps orphans and orphans to support a better life, this organization also raises funds for development and other infrastructure needs, fundraising has not used digital, so the process of information and transactions slow down and lack of transparency. Therefore, it is necessary to have a crowdfunding website so that it is easy to create fundraising campaigns related to the impact of the lack of transparency on fundraising and social assistance causing many problems that occur in the community. The method used by the author in application development is the Extreme Programming (XP) method.



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