Analisis penerapan sistem administrasi pencatatan laporan keuangan berbasis aplikasi keuangan smartphone pada UMKM di Tangerang Selatan


  • Wardokhi Wardokhi universitas Pamulang
  • Herlambang Herlambang Universitas Pamulang


This research was conducted on MSME actors in South Tangerang by using a descriptive type of research. The type of data used is primary data. In addition, this study used a survey technique using a questionnaire. The data analysis used was PIECES analysis.The results of this study conclude that MSME actors in the South Tangerang Region need an easy, practical and efficient accounting record application. When compared with using PIECES analysis, the shortcomings and weaknesses contained in the old system or manual system can be overcome with a new system, namely a smartphone-based system. By implementing a good financial administration system and in accordance with standard accounting standards (SAK EMKM), it is easier for business actors to find out profit or loss in the specified period. Business actors can also automatically make financial reports that describe the financial performance of their business. If the performance is known, MSME actors can make plans and take strategic policies for business development and product development.


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