Efektifitas perkuliahan daring dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar pada mahasiswa D3 Akuntansi di masa pandemi Covid 19


  • Husnul Khotimah universitas Pamulang
  • Yulyanah Yulyanah universitas Pamulang
  • Aprinia Handayani universitas Pamulang


The objectives of this study are 1) To find out how big the influence of online learning on the learning achievement of D3 Accounting students during the Covid-19 pandemic 2) To find out how big the influence of Lecturer's Competence on the Learning Achievements of D3 Accounting students during the Covid-19 Pandemic 3) To find out how much The Great Influence of Online Lectures on the Learning Achievement of D3 Accounting Students during the Covid 19 Pandemic with Lecturer Competence as a Control Variable. The research method used is by using quantitative research methods where the statistical method used is by using the Eviews 12 Program. Research Results !) There is an Effect of Online Learning on Learning Achievement in D3 Accounting Students During the Covid 19 Pandemic, so it can be concluded that there is learning online is very effective on student learning achievement, 2) There is no influence of Lecturer Competence on Learning Achievement in D3 Accounting Students During the Covid 19 Pandemic, it can be concluded that in the absence of Lecturer Competence, student learning achievement remains effective. 3) Showing that Online Learning Affects the Learning Achievement of D3 Accounting Students During the Covid 19 Pandemic with Lecturer Competence as a Control Variable, it can be concluded that with online learning and without Lecturer Competence, student learning achievement remains effective.


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