Analisa Kinerja Perusahaan Menggunakan Pendekatan Balanced Scorecard (Studi Kasus Pada PT. Indoris Printingdo)


  • Wardokhi Wardokhi universitas Pamulang


The purpose of this study is to determine the company's performance when measured by the Balanced Scorecard method. This type of research is descriptive quantitative, the data used are quantitative and qualitative, the method uses the content ratio analysis based on the Balanced Scorecard. The results of this study as a whole performance can be said to be good. Financial perspective on the ability of PT. Indoris Printingdo in guaranteeing its debt is quite good, the company's ability to get a good profit. The ability to generate net income has increased significantly. From the customer perspective, PT. Indoris Printingdo is able to dominate the market share. The level of customer satisfaction is quite good. From the perspective of Internal Business, the effectiveness level of using operating expenses has been successfully realized by PT. Indoris Printingdo with an average score of 22.67%. Whereas in the perspective of growth and learning, the improvement of the quality of employee work is carried out by conducting the Learning Development Program training and the average employee productivity score is 62.22%. Overall Performance of PT. Indoris Printingdo can be said to be good.
Keywords : Performance, Internal Business Perspective, Financial Perspective, Customer Perspective, Learning and Growth Perspective


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