
  • Euis Nessia Fitri Universitas Pamulang
  • Imam Sofi’i Universitas Pamulang


This study aims to analyze the readiness of D3 Accounting Study Program students at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Pamulang in facing the competency test of the Primary Accounting scheme to support competition in the workforce in the globalization era. This research included observational research with the study population were D3 Accounting Study Program students at Pamulang University who were taking semester IV studies totaling 42 people. The data collected in this study is a score of scores in the form of subjects related to competencies tested in the competency test of the Pratama Accounting Technician Scheme. The variable in this study is the readiness of students in facing the competency certification test in Pratama Accounting Technicians. There are ten competencies tested in this study, namely being able to Process Journal Entries, Process Ledgers, Compile Financial Statements, Operate Package Processing Programs / Spreadsheets, Operate Computer Accounting Applications, Manage Receivable Cards, Manage Debt Cards, Manage Inventory Cards. Analysis of research data using descriptive statistical analysis in the form of student readiness categorization tables. The results showed that: (1) As many as 38% of students were categorized as very prepared; 19% ready; 10% are quite ready; and 33% were less prepared to face the competency test of the Pratama Accounting Technician Scheme.

Keywords: readiness, competency test, pratama accounting


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