TERHADAP PROFITABILITAS (Studi Kasus pada Koperasi Simpan dan Pinjam Citra Utama Cibadak Kab. Sukabumi Periode 2017-2019)


  • Rezha Karunia Abdiliiah Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi
  • Andri Indrawan Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi
  • Ade Sudarma Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi


The study aims to determine the effect of cooperative growth on profitability. The variables used in this study were cooperative growth and profitability. This research was conducted using quantitative methods with an associative approach. The population in this research is the financial report of the main cooperative Citra Cibadak per month period 2017-2019. In this study Eudora sampling techniques with purposive sampling. The data collection techniques are using secondary records. The data analysis techniques used are classical assumption tests, multiple linear analyses, and hypothesis tests. The results of this study showed: the free variable is the growth of cooperative vwhereas the variable bound is profitability. The results of this study showed that a partial cooperative growth affects the profitability with the test result of 18.779 with a significant value of 0.000 < 0.05. Then it can be concluded cooperative growth affects profitability.

Keywords: Cooperative Growth, Profitability


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