Analisis Penerapan PSAK 102 Untuk Akad Murabahah Dalam Pembiayaan Kepemilikan Rumah pada PT. Bank BJB Syariah KCP Tangerang
This study aims to determine the application of PSAK 102 for murabahah financing at PT. Bank BJB
Syariah KCP Tangerang. This research also aims to know the concept of murabaha asset recognition
and profit sharing, and the determination of murabaha margin on PT. Bank BJB Syariah KCP
Tangerang. The method used is descriptive qualitative method that is comparing the application of
object research with existing theory and then drawn a conclusion. The results showed that the
implementation of the treatment of PT. Bank BJB Syariah KCP Tangerang in financing home ownership
is in accordance with PSAK 102. Sedangklan procedures contained in PT. Bank BJB Syariah KCP
Tangerang uses consumptive financing products with the requirements of general requirements,
document requirements, special requirements. The division of Margin in home ownership financing is
16% of the equity or equivalent to 10-11%.
Keywords: Murabahah, Financing System, margin sharing