Penguatan Pemahaman Ekonomi Syariah bagi Santri Pondok Pesantren Modern Daar El Istiqamah
Strengthening, Understanding, Sharia EconomicsAbstract
Daar El Istiqamah Modern Islamic Boarding School students are a community of users of Islamic banking services and Islamic Economics products, but only a few understand the true concept of Islamic Economics. Daar El Istiqamah Modern Islamic Boarding School has several products that use the Sharia economy. Therefore, this community service is carried out with the aim of strengthening the understanding of Modern Islamic Boarding School Students Daar El Istiqamah Serang on knowledge of understanding Islamic economics. PKM activities provide seminars and workshops to strengthen the understanding of sharia finance and economics, especially the sharia economic system, to the Daar El Istiqamah Modern Islamic Boarding School Students, Serang. The results of seminars and workshops conducted by Islamic Economics lecturers showed that students had a better understanding of Islamic finance and economics. This was discovered after going through a quiz at the end of the event as an evaluation of the activities carried out by the PKM Team.
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