Penguatan Literasi Keuangan pada Siswa-Siswi SMP Islam Al-Azhar 25
, Financial_literacy, SavingsAbstract
This community service (PKM) is in collaboration with SMP Al-Azhar 25 South Tangerang. The purpose of conducting PKM activities is to provide understanding and direction to students of SMP Al-Azhar 25 South Tangerang about the importance of financial literacy from an early age so that they can increase individual savings and accumulate prosperity when they grow up. The target audience for this PKM activity is students, the total number of participants is 26 people with the activity scheduled for May 10, 2023. The methods used in this PKM are counseling or lectures, tutorials, discussions, and mentoring. The results of the PKM activities obtained data that most of them understood the importance of preparing financial programs in productive times through savings. It is hoped that this PKM will be useful for various parties including the Al-Azhar 25 South Tangerang students themselves, the surrounding community and for academics.
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