Pembinaan Kegiatan Kerohanian Siswa terhadap Pembentukan Karakter Di Man 2 Kabupaten Serang


  • Rikil Amri Program Studi Sistem Komputer, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Pamulang
  • Aep Saepul Anwar Program Studi Sistem Komputer, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Pamulang
  • Riyan Hidayatulloh Program Studi Sistem Komputer, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Pamulang


Education is a process that contains a spirit to bring students towards hope. This can be understood because humans have the desire to be good and progress in various aspects of life. So, at a practical level, education is really needed due to the fact that education is the most effective process for fulfilling these needs. The main problem that occurs is the lack of student interest in spiritual activities and the lack of guidance in student spiritual activities. The activity stages carried out by the PKM team include: 1) Chairman and team members holding meetings both online and offline to discuss the theme of Community Service (PKM), 2) Conducting a survey at MAN 2 Kab. Attack and take care of permits and determine the place of activity and time for implementation, 3) Discuss with the Head of MAN 2 Kab. Serang and MAN 2 District Teachers. Serang, 4) Prepare complete activities such as banners, as well as administrative readiness and health protocol equipment, 5) Service team carries out service.

Keyword: Formation, Spirituality, Character


