
  • Adi Nur Rohman Magister Hukum Universitas Pamulang
  • Palti Frederick Hasiholan Magister Hukum Universitas Pamulang
  • Warseno Warseno Magister Hukum Universitas Pamulang
  • Yusufil Hamdani Magister Hukum Universitas Pamulang


To qualify state losses in criminal acts of corruption, it is carried out through the application of Supreme Court Regulation (PERMA) Number 1 of 2020 concerning Guidelines for Criminalizing Article 2 and Article 3 of the Corruption Crime Act. The purpose of this study is to find out the legal basis for the consideration of the Padang High Court judge on Decision Number: 18/TIPIKOR/2020/PT.PD for the criminal act of corruption Ahmad Fauzi Director of PT. Mekar Jaya Pratama as the party who is obliged to carry out goods/services providers in the work of structuring the Green City development area of Punjung Island, Dharmasraya Regency for the 2017 fiscal year and Mardius the party without rights / without a power of attorney or delegation of legitimate authority to carry out activities in the work of structuring the City development area Green Punjung Island Area, Dharmasraya Regency Fiscal Year 2017. This study uses a normative juridical method with the result that the judge's considerations in making criminal decisions against perpetrators of criminal acts of corruption refer to Article 3 Jo. Article 18 paragraph (1) letters a and b paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption which has been amended and supplemented by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning amendments to the Law Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code and PERMA Number 1 of 2020 concerning Guidelines for Criminalizing Article 2 and Article 3 of the Law on the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption. If viewed from the perspective of law enforcement, it still lacks effect or impact on defendants of corruption, considering that Indonesia is a country with a high level of corruption so that if this Perma is only qualified for violators of article 2 and article 3 of the corruption law, there will be inconsistencies in the form of corruption. -forms of criminal acts of corruption regulated by law.

Keywords: Corruption, State Loss.


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