Problematika Pembuktian Dalam Perkara Kekerasan Seksual (Studi Kasus Putusan Nomor: 40/Pid.Sus/2022/PN.Mgl Jo 94/Pid.Sus/2022/PT.Tjk Jo 6195/K/Pid.Sus 2022)
Alat Bukti, Perkara Pidana, Kekerasan SeksualAbstract
The strength of the evidence is very important for anyone who resolves criminal cases in court. Evidence is the main thing that must be prepared when investigating a criminal case because without evidence, a case cannot be resolved and as long as there is no evidence a person is deemed to have done nothing wrong according to the principle of the presumption of innocence. The purpose of this writing is to find out the position of evidence in criminal trials and to find out the legal considerations of judges in imposing criminal acts of sexual violence in decision number: 40/Pid.sus/2022/PN/Mgl Jo 94/Pid.Sus/2022/PT.Tjk Jo 6195/K/Pid.Sus 2022.
The writing method is a descriptive analytical approach by analyzing each judge's legal considerations in imposing a crime and literature study to examine the theory and legal basis of evidence in criminal cases. The results obtained are the strength of the evidence in a trial to determine whether a person can be declared guilty or not and the judge's legal considerations which state that the defendant has been legally proven and convinces the judge of committing a criminal act of sexual violence as in decision number 40/Pid.sus/2022/PN/Mgl Jo 94/Pid.Sus/2022/PT.Tjk Jo 6195/K/Pid.Sus 2022 is not correct and legal in the eyes of the law.
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