Cancellation Of Agreement: A Comparison Between The Indonesian Legal System And Common Law System


  • Dian Fitriana Universitas Pamulang


Globalization, Comparison of Legal Systems, Cancellation of Agreements


In the current era of globalization, it is very important to consider the characteristics of treaty law, both
from the Continental European system (civil law system) adopted by the State of Indonesia, as well as
from the system of countries that adhere to the common law system. When the universally applicable
freedom of contract can be used as the basis for conducting business transactions between Indonesian
entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs from common law countries. Nowadays, the influence of the common
law system is increasingly significant in Indonesia, so knowledge of agreements in both legal systems is
very much needed for the people of Indonesia. Sometimes after the agreement, one of the parties enters
into an agreement that has been agreed upon, so that in this case knowledge and understanding of the
agreement according to the Indonesian system with the common law system is very much needed. The
cancellation of the agreement can be done if the terms of the agreement and in Article 1320 BW are not
fulfilled because there is a defect or it was not made by an invalid person. Meanwhile, cancellation
according to the common law system can be done if the agreement that forms the basis of all agreements
contains defects, or the agreement is carried out by people who do not have the ability to enter into an


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